Past hosted lectures

6. 11. 2024Hana Rozhoňová (Charlese University)The genetic code and protein evolvability
14. 5. 2024Tom Williams (University of Bristol)Phylogenomics and the early evolution of life
24. 4. 2024Jan Řezáč (IOCB, Prague)Semiempirical Quantum Mechanical Scoring in Structure-based Drug Design
17. 4. 2024Geoff Barton (University of Dundee)From human population variation to ligand binding sites via SARS-CoV-2
10. 4. 2024Karolína Korvasová (MFF UK)Computational methods for prosthetic vision: inferring functional structure of the brain from its spontaneous activity
3. 4. 2024Lukáš Valihrach (IBT, BioCev)Revolutionizing Modern Biomedical Research with Single-Cell and Spatial Transcriptomics
20. 3. 2024Bailey Francis (Sanger)A Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) Mouse Genome Assembly: Towards the first complete mouse genome
5. 3. 2024Hana Rozhoňová (ETH Zurich)A computational screen for alternative genetic codes in viruses
20. 12. 2023Karel Brinda (INRIA)Efficient Search of Microbial Genomes via Phylogenetic Compression
12. 12. 2023Rafael Najmanovich (University of Montreal)Probing the dynamics of macromolecules and energetics of molecular interactions with high-performance, fast and accessible computational methods
22. 11. 2023Jana Musilová (Brno University of Technology)Augusta, a Python package for inferring Gene Regulatory and Boolean Networks using RNA-Seq and data mining
25. 10. 2023Lenka Gahurová (University of South Bohemia)(Un)usual characteristics of African mole-rats' oocytes and sex chromosomes through genomics and transcriptomics approaches
18. 10. 2023Tomáš Pluskal, Ela Nekardová, Lukáš Valihrach, Jiří Lindovský, David HokszaProjects opportunities
11. 10. 2023Michal Kolář, Jan Stuchlý, Jan Antolík, Martin Modrák, Marian NovotnýProjects opportunities
10. 5. 2023Carl Hermann (University of Heidelberg)Machine learning approaches for the identification of disease signatures
2. 5. 2023Erich Bornberg-Bauer (University of Muenster)Lost (and found) in translation: How evolution can find functional proteins in vast sequence space
19. 4. 2023Kateřina Storchmannova (Palacký University Olomouc)MolMeDB - databáze interakcí malých molekul s membránami a membránovými transportními proteiny
12. 4. 2023Discussion - Ten simple rules for defining a computational biology project
5. 4. 2023Lenka Backová (UPV/EHU)Bioimaging
29. 3. 2023Ondřej Sladký (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University)Masked superstrings as a unified framework for textual k-mer set representations
22. 3. 2023Marek Ostaszewski (Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine)Disease maps: building and analysing graphical models of biomedical knowledge
8. 3. 2023Joern Gerchen (Faculty of Science, Charles University)Building complex bioinformatics pipelines using Snakemake
7. 12. 2022Victoria Offord (WSI)Functionalizing the cancer genome base-by-base with CRISPR editing and computational tools
23. 11. 2022Mihaly Varadi (EMBL-EBI)AlphaFold DB: Increasing the structure coverage of the sequence space by a thousand times
19. 10. 2022Tomáš Sieger (compNeuroGroup, ČVUT)Measures of quality of clusters in hierarchical clustering of flow cytometry data
19. 10. 2022Tomáš SiegerMeasures of quality of clusters in hierarchical clustering of flow cytometry data
4. 5. 2022 Alessandra Carbone Sequence space and protein functional classification
30. 3. 2022 Giulio Vistoli Novel strategies for virtual screening and drug repurposing: the lesson learned from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemy
23. 2. 2022 Eugene Gardner Investigating the Genetics of Sexual Reproduction in 200,000 Humans
24. 11. 2021 Abdullah Kahraman MTPpilot: an interactive software for NGS results analysis for molecular tumor boards
12. 10. 2021 Augustin Žídek Deepmind: Protein Structure Prediction with AlphaFold
23.5.2018 Esteban Jenkins Long read mapping algorithms
Isidora Conic Bioinformatics and Cancer
9.5.2018 Marc Haber History of the Near East from Ancient and Present-day Genome Sequences
11.4.2018 Viorica Chelban Disease discovery in neurogenetics: from patient to pathways and therapies
28.3.2018 Marian Novotný Fosforylace proteinů - bioinformatický pohled
7.3.2018 Jan Pačes Artificial life
3.1.2018 David Nohejl Variant Effect Prediction
20.12.2017 Tomáš Gavenčiak Genotype refinement with PBWT
6.12.2017 Audrey Lin Rates of evolutionary change in ancient domesticated animals
22.11.2017 Andrew PageHigh throughput pathogen informatics
1.11.2017 Martin ModrákGenexpi: Discovering Regulatory Interactions on the GPU
18.10.2017 David Dufour RausellA brief overview of Structural Bioinformatics: from proteins to chromosomes
3.5.2017 Karel Sedlář Vizualizace v metagenomice
19.4.2017 Tereza Tolarová Aktivace embryonálního genomu v preimplantačním vývoji savců
5.4.2017 Daniel Morais You can change the knowledge about the microbial universe
22.3.2017 Matěj Lexa pqsfinder: flexible detection of sequences forming G-quadruplexes in R/Bioconductor
8.3.2017 Lukáš Hrbek Variant calling with deep neural networks
11.1.2017 Jiří Vohradský Modeling and simulation of lambda-phage genetic network
4.1 Ashkan Zareie
Victor Santiago
Drug-Target Interaction Prediction
Variant Calling
14.12 Jiří Macas Repetitivní DNA: "Temná hmota" genomu a její výzkum pomocí teorie grafů
30.11 Milan Malinský Bioinformatické metody v evoluční genomice
16.11 Michal Kolář Evoluce zachycená v (proteinové) síti
2.11 Holly Z. BradleyThe 1000 Genomes Project, what is it and can it help my research?
19.10 Jan Kalina Statistické klasifikační metody při celogenomové analýze genových expresí
5.10 Jan Brezovský Identifikace aktivních malých molekul pro biotechnologie
18.5 Matej Pribis Copy Number Variation
11.5 Erik Garrison Genome variation graphs and genotyping by tera-scale learning
4.5 Karel Jalovec Discriminatory analysis of sequenced read-sets
27.4 Radka Reifová Populační a speciační genomika: hledání genetické podstaty vzniku druhů na modelu dvou druhů slavíků.
20.4 Stephan Schiffels How genomes help us understand human history
13.4 Petr Daněček Základní úloha bioinformatiky: Alignment and Mapping
5.4 Jan Pačes Genom šimpanze, genom člověka
16.3 David Hoksza Procházky chemickým prostorem
9.3 Martin Loebl DNA repeats and information concealing
2.3 Daniel Svozil Je DNA struktura nudná?
16.12 Petr Maršálek Vědomí a jeho poruchy, pokus o objektivní popis
9.12 P. Pančoška, J. Nešetřil Matematika struktur pro informatiku personalizované medicíny
2.12 Petr Daněček Copy Number Variation and HMM
25.11 Viktor Stránecký Next Generation Sequencing
18.11 Karel Fišer Leukémie s přesmykem
11.11 Tomáš Sieger Počítejte (s) neurony!
4.11 David Hoksza Identifikace strukturní podobnosti RNA molekul
19.10 Jan Holub Burrows-Wheelerova transformace v bioinformatice
12.10 Jan Pačes Analýza Endogenních Retrovirů